Letter to You

(c) Leonid Afremov
(c) Leonid Afremov

You and I share more than words and thoughts.

We live beneath a common sky

And drink the same air

And walk on the same ground,

And enjoy the same good old sun.

Different we are, I grant,

And if we’d ever meet,

We’re sure to contradict,

At least a little,

Especially if one of us is stubborn,

And the other mean,

But tell me now,

Couldn’t we get along?

Be faraway friends, I mean.

I could write and you could read,

And you could write and I could read,

And I could tell you about my life,

And you could tell me about yours,

And thus, by reading, writing, and exchanging thoughts,

Much pleasure both derive.

For after all, are we not accomplices in this risky venture called existence?

22 thoughts on “Letter to You

      1. the duality of dueling is too extreme for me.
        arm wresting, maybe…
        water guns, definitely.

        like DCTdesigns, i wish you well.

        nice piece. I haven’t commented in a long time, but I’ve been peeping through the screen so to speak…;-) Randy

  1. Reminds me of how we find friends among bloggers. We write, we read, we share lives. Thank you for sharing this poem.

  2. Vincent- I volunteer to write and read with you anytime. I hope you’ve heard word on your health and aren’t stuck between floors as I often felt in the unknown of waiting around my diagnosis. Whatever comes I also wish for you lots of love and support. And like I said keep writing. I’m a reading.

If you leave me a comment I will send you an invisible gift.