15 Great Book Titles (And Covers)

The Shadow of the Wind

shadow of the wind cover

Something Wicked This Way Comes

something wicked this way comes cover

Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit

oranges-are-not-the-only-fruit cover

One Hundred Years of Solitude


If On a Winter’s Night a Traveler

if on a winters night cover

To Kill a Mockingbird

Lee-Harper-To-Kill-a-Mockingbird- cover

Much Ado About Nothing


The Name of the Rose

Name of the Rose cover

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

extremely loud and incredibly close cover

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

do-androids-dream of electric sheep cover

Cloud Atlas

cloud atlas cover

Brave New World

brave_new_world cover

A Clockwork Orange

a clockwork orange cover

And Then There Were None

and then there were cover

As I Lay Dying

as I lay dying cover

What is your favorite book title?

53 thoughts on “15 Great Book Titles (And Covers)

  1. The Tender Bar. I love that it’s a play on the word bartender for a memoir set in a bar about a boy becoming a man. The characters in the bar all contribute to his life story and we learn that there is also some true tenderness to be found at this bar. So it works both ways. One of my favorite books.

  2. I love the original cover of Extremely Loud Incredibly Close. It always stood out to me when I saw it coming in the library.

  3. Relentless by Dean Koontz, but your list is fantastic. I’ve read all but two of them, some I’ve loved so much I’ve downloaded to my iPod to listen to a well. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close was a favorite download. The narrator really makes ALL the difference.

  4. Very good titles indeed. A few weeks ago, I found a poetry book in a small book corner in a dirty hostel in Cairo titled “No ship should allow drowning to vanish”.

  5. It’s probably not the kind of book a guy would read, but “Chose the wrong guy, gave him the wrong finger” is a great title

    1. I think there are many practical books out there with wonderful titles. But for this list I’ve chosen only ‘literary titles’. That’s a book I would not want to read indeed. 😛

  6. 100 Years of Solitude, The Name of the Rose, And Then There Were None are some of my favorites and, also, Eleven Minutes and The Posthumous Memoirs of Bras Cubas.

  7. I absolutely adore the book the shadow of the wind! I have read the whole series at least three times! I’ve read almost all these books, you have amazing taste in reading material!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂

  8. Hello! I really enjoy your posts 🙂 … this time i’m leaving my contribution as well. Here goes: My favourite book tittle is: “Everything is illuminated” by Jonathan Safran Foer.

        1. Another book that grows with you which I have lost my copy of is “John livingstone seagull” great book about staying true to yourself and not following the crowd because you are told that you are meant to because it’s what you should do.

          1. Sounds very wise. Questions what we are taught since our very beginnings – to obey. But often we should do the exact opposite.
            I think I’d like to read that book! Thanks for mentioning it! 🙂

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