A 50-Word Story a Day Keeps the Boredom Away #30

Painting of scissors

Leonard the barber cut his customer’s hair with energetic clips, imagining he was mutilating the knave who last night had run away with his daughter. Thinking of his misfortune, Leonard closed his eyes and sighed. His customer cried in pain. Leonard opened his eyes. His customer’s left ear was missing.

15 thoughts on “A 50-Word Story a Day Keeps the Boredom Away #30

  1. I just don’t get my hair cut at all 🙂 Now I know why! Nice little story (well, except for the Van Gogh looking guy, he probably thinks it sucks).

      1. Budgie’s are only little but they still have a nasty bite. Sweetie is pretty good, he only nips you if you are ignoring him. (typical male 🙂 )

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