A 50-Word Story a Day Keeps the Boredom Away – Guest Post Special #2 Daniel Smith

Eliot heard the news. A big asteroid would hit Earth on 21 March 2014. He still had almost two years to do all the things he wanted to. But instead he dwelt on the thought of it, the end of life… On 20 March 2014, Eliot jumped from his window.

This story was written by… Daniel Smith is a young aspiring artist from Ireland. He loves frogs, can play on the piano the Pirates of the Caribbean and the Sherlock Holmes themes, and knows several uncanny mind-reading tricks.

5 thoughts on “A 50-Word Story a Day Keeps the Boredom Away – Guest Post Special #2 Daniel Smith

  1. You could lose “big” and “instead” and categorize the widow and a “12th floor” or somesuch, which would make the ending more certain and dramatic. That said, I wonder what the percentage of “jumpers to waiters” might be on such a day?

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